The Greatest Fear–2022 and beyond!

by Linda on 07/1/2022

I know I kind of promised more frequent updates in 2021, but ya know…2021 was a busy time for me, and well, the rest of the world >.> Here are the current list of excuses why I haven’t updated this website:

  1. Real world work was really making me hate existence itself
  2. Trying to get a handle on new house/home purchases
  3. Maybe just plain laziness?

But I think there’s only one good reason: I had a love/hate relationship with my work space. I LOVED having my own area to type and play in, but I HATED said space. I’m not big on sharing, and when the other occupant was a complete and total mess hog, I couldn’t bear down and live with it. Not to mention my desk didn’t exactly have the real estate I could spread out in (OKAY, I admit I am a sprawler…sue me :D)

Then again, now that I think about it…does anybody really read this blog? Who am I giving all these explanations to? Like I’ve said before and I’ll say it again, laying it all out just feels so damned good 🙂

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